Started out with a bang in January when we prepared for our move out to Seattle. Our friends threw us a going away party in Boston on a VERY snowy night, I couldn't believe how many people came to show us love.

We moved in on a rainy night- shocker! Eddie got stuck in the elevator moving up some furniture and we had to call the fire dept to get him out.. Welcome to Seattle!
We attended MANY Mariners games. Eddie purchased season tickets for his work thinking he would take clients, turns out, it's not like Fenway.. you can't GIVE Mariners tickets away!
We took in our little fur baby, Russ, in April.
We cruised the Eastern Caribbean with BOTH our families.
I met Natasha Bedingfield at Snoqualmie Casino- NO ONE knew who she was and I ran up to her like a screaming 7th grade kid. I'm sorry but the I Love You song STILL rocks my world.
We danced in the sunlight at midnight in Alaska in May.
We escaped the Seattle clouds by camping in Eastern Washington w/ good friends in June.. thinking we didn't need sunscreen- OUCH.
We traveled to London and got engaged in July!! - hands down the BEST month of the year.
I discovered that I could visit San Juan without being in Puerto Rico. Washington is home to the beautiful San Juan Islands- we fell in love with Lummi.
Vegas baby VEGAS for one of my bests bachelorette's in September
and of course my 2 gorgeous friends got married to their loves!
2010 you did me good, can't wait to see what's to come in 2011- a move to a new area of the city is in me and Eddie's very near future!!
Happy New Year!